Tuesday 26 July 2016

mercredi 27/07 - lesson

1. Revision - expressions of quantity and partitive article - A. Go to blog, watch the video tutorial on  expressions of quantity and partitive article and B. complete revision sheet/tables.

2. Grammar point - The future tense - Introduce the Simple future tense A. Notetaking from board and B.complete worksheet on future tense in class.

3. Complete Interview writing task started in previous lesson. DUE THURSDAY 28/07 

4. 15 mins - Food and regions research task - DUE TUESDAY02/08

The partitive articles and Expressions of quantity

Wednesday 20 July 2016

The partitive article - De, du, de la, de l', des - Video tutorial

Jeudi 21/07

1. Present Role-play.

2. Reading task/ Interview transcript.
 - A. Read the 'Bien manger pour sa sante' article in class.
-  B. Use vocab from article and Linguascope 'Manger sain' sheet to write an interview using the following questions: Est-ce que vous aimez manger?/ Qu'est-ce que vous mangez?/Est-ce que vous participez a la preparation des repas?

3. Grammar point - partitive article - du/de la/des/de l' - refer to video tutorial on blog

4. Continue to work on research task - 15 mins only (to be completed at home)

Monday 18 July 2016

Mardi 19/07

1. Correct homework task - Object Pronouns - le, la, les, l' and y

2. Listening task- Go to moodle, listen and transcribe listening "Les achats" - dialogue A only.

Les achats - TRANSCRIPT
Dialogue A.
-       Madame, vous désirez?
-       Une baguette s’il vous pait.
-       Une baguette, oui! Et avec ça?
-       Un pain de campagne.
-       Désolé Madame, il n’y en a plus.
-       Alors, des croissants, vous en avez?
-       Oui.
-       Alors, donnez-moi six croissants.
-       Ce sera tout?
-       Oui, combien je vous dois?
-       Ça vous fait cinq euros vingt centimes.

3. Written work - Continue/complete translation task. (dialogue between Francoise and Marchand)

4.Grammar point/partitive article - Look at translation to see how some got translated and discuss
                                                           - Complete category - du/de la/des/de l' exercise     (ran out of   time)

5.Work on Regions of France Food Investigation  - to be presented from next week.